At A6UN, we specialize in sourcing IT consultants for businesses across Europe. With a global network of exceptional IT consultants, our mission is to ensure the success of our clients' projects while also providing enriching opportunities for our consultants through fulfilling contracts.


At the core of our philosophy is a people-centric approach. We prioritize respect, flexibility, transparency, and honesty in all facets of our operations. We firmly believe that collaborative efforts are the cornerstone of achieving success.


Over the past ten years, we have assisted a multitude of global clients in locating the perfect IT professionals. Our comprehensive support spans all phases of their IT endeavors – encompassing roles ranging from PMO, architects, developers, and functional consultants to testers, project managers, and program directors.


For more than a decade, we have been aiding global enterprises in assembling teams for their projects. Our unwavering dedication lies in providing our clients with a tailor-made, top-tier service.


We take the time to understand you – your skills, ambitions, and passions. Our recruitment extends to captivating projects throughout Europe. Our accessibility, openness, and commitment to keeping you informed ensure your journey is guided every step of the way.